The best time trekking Kilimanjaro is dry months season with satellite weather forecast. On top of general advise, a climber can rely on Mountain weather forecast. As an illustration, the dry months are from December to mid-March and from late June to October. Afterall, November is also good,but with slight rains, get prepared well with extra rainy gears and keep warm. Basically, September, October and, Mid January, February weather offersclear skies and dry trails for a more comfortable and enjoyable climb, and summit with sunrise.
After all, we now discuss about Kilimanjaro routes details, and comparison. In regard to weather, we recommend those who have time to climb Kilimanjaro in November, to choose Marangu route. This is because Marangu route has most comfortable Mountain huts for accommodation. In addition to that, Marangu route has friendly trekking terrain, hence your voyage will be great by choosing Marangu coca cola route. Thereafter, we tell about how much it cost to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. As long as you trust local tour operator, we provide fair climbing costs and best guides. At present time, check the customer reviews of Kilimanjaro trips customer reviews TripAdvisor.